Best Images from Spring 2017 in Busan

I've been trying to catch up with updating my portfolio and finishing up client jobs on top of my personal sessions for spring, several jobs on hotel interior photoshoots in Busan and even writing assignments. The locations involved both Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival and Nakdong Rapeseed Flower Festival.

It's been definitely a whirlwind and I would do it again and again!

Here are my favourite images for spring of this year. Don't you just love spring?


About Me

About Me
Born in Kota Kinabalu, I moved to Penang. Then, my family of 4 moved to Busan, where I started professional photography. We headed back to Penang for a 2 years before heading to Tokyo where we currently reside. It has been a blessing to see places and we don't know where we will be next but taking beautiful photographs is a permanent aim.


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