People Portraitures

Some photographs of people with a story of its own

A young Korean man in a Baekje Kingdom guard act at Gongsanseong Fortress in Gongju

Rev. Msgr. Bernard gives an uplifting sermon in a Catholic church conference in Holy Spirit Church, Penang

Tourists in Jeju came into the my frame when I was trying to take water motion photography of the waterfall

A lively comedic-tight rope-acrobatic act by a lovely Korean woman at the Baekje Cultural Land, Buyeo

I have more portraits here


About Me

About Me
Born in Kota Kinabalu, I moved to Penang. Then, my family of 4 moved to Busan, where I started professional photography. We headed back to Penang for a 2 years before heading to Tokyo where we currently reside. It has been a blessing to see places and we don't know where we will be next but taking beautiful photographs is a permanent aim.


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